The 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery was originally constituted on 8 March 1898 in the Regular Army as Battery E, 7th Regiment of Artillery. It organized pm 31 March 1898 at Fort Slocum, NY. It was disbanded on 14 June 1944. It was re-designated (less former Battery E, 7th Field Artillery) on 1 September 1971 as the 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery (former Battery E, 7th Field Artillery, concurrently re-designated as the 5th Battalion, 7th Field Artillery - hereafter separate lineage). It reactivated on 17 December 1988 at Fort Bliss, TX. On 21 December 1998 Headquarters U.S. Army Europe announced plans to realign its air defense artillery units to comply with the Army's Patriot Standardization Plan. As a result of the plan, USAREUR realigned its three Patriot missile battalions with their twelve missile batteries, two maintenance companies and one maintenance team into two battalions with five batteries and one maintenance company each. On order, 5-7 ADA rapidly deploys to provide air and missile defense protection of maneuver forces and geopolitical assets in support of full spectrum joint and combined contingency operations. Be prepared to execute relocation operations within theater (GTA) per USAREUR Transformation and relocates one or both Babenhausen fire units to CONUS to conform to Army Modular Force Design.



     LTC Daniel Corbett                                                                                                        CSM Kenneth Paul 
                Battalion Commander                                                                                        Battalion Command Sergeant Major


Click here for the 5-7 ADA Welcome Packet!!